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Xenos last won the day on May 22

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  1. Yes its online and undetected. Its 25€ for the script itself.
  2. 1. Its undetected since release for a couple of years but there is always a risk with it 2. We recommend to run it before the game. Sadly the video we had got taken down by YouTube. Its visible here:
  3. @notyagoo @OrangeWater Yes its supported
  4. Yes its fully undetected.
  5. Yes the PUBG Mod is working and is also undetected even after the latest PUBG Updates. 🙂 28.08.2024
  6. The PUBG Script is supported with both Kakao and Steam.
  7. https://hypex.to/forum/discord/invite/general/
  8. Nope thats not possible with the way we emulate the mouse.
  9. We dont support controllers.
  10. https://hypex.to/forum/store/ CreditCard, DebitCard, PayPal and Crypto.
  11. We havent had the time to release a MW3 macro yet, but it will follow soon.
  12. Vulkan Version is fully supported, also for the automated weapon recognition etc.
  13. Our R6S Script has been undetected for the past 3 years. It should stay like this.
  14. Its only a recoil and rapidfire script with automated weapon detection.
  15. That orders seems to be very old. Message us on Discord: https://hypex.to/forum/discord/invite/general/
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