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  5. 1. Its undetected since release for a couple of years but there is always a risk with it 2. We recommend to run it before the game. Sadly the video we had got taken down by YouTube. Its visible here:
  6. Earlier
  7. Hello I just had a few questions on the r6 scripts, 1. Would you advise not using this on a main? 2. Since it is not injected is it safe to launch at anytime during play, or only before/after game launch? And does anyone have any media? Ive heard lots of people talk about Hypex but have not seen any gameplay/ui setup for it and was hoping someone had some clips or something. Many thanks!
  8. @notyagoo @OrangeWater Yes its supported
  9. Also curious! I play on 5:4 stretched.
  10. Hi, Im exploring different options for an R6 script and i am considering Hypex. I noticed that some other script providers require you to play in 1920x1080 resolution or in windowed mode for their scripts to work. Is this the case with Hypex as well, or can I use a different aspect ratio?
  11. Hello, I am interested in the Script but i recently saw someone saying that it is not a lifetime subscription. Is that true?
  12. Yes its fully undetected.
  13. Hello, i am planning on buying the r6 script. And i was wondering if it is still undetected for the new season.
  14. Yes the PUBG Mod is working and is also undetected even after the latest PUBG Updates. 🙂 28.08.2024
  15. The PUBG Script is supported with both Kakao and Steam.
  16. does it work in korean server as known as kakao serveer. please check this out before i buy it,. thanks a lot!
  17. https://hypex.to/forum/discord/invite/general/
  18. Nope thats not possible with the way we emulate the mouse.
  19. would it be possible to start supporting controllers?
  20. Hello, No - HYPEX does not have a reseller. You can only purchase from @Xenos directly. You can DM him and I am sure you guys can figure out a way to pay.
  21. would i be able to purchase from a third party seller?
  22. 请问一下如何加入Discord
  23. https://hypex.to/forum/store/ CreditCard, DebitCard, PayPal and Crypto.
  24. I can't use any of the payment methods in the shop, are there any other payment methods available?
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