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  2. 请问一下如何加入Discord
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  4. Is the Mod 100 Euros lifetime? Do I need to pay extra in the future?
  5. https://hypex.to/forum/store/ CreditCard, DebitCard, PayPal and Crypto.
  6. I can't use any of the payment methods in the shop, are there any other payment methods available?
  7. We havent had the time to release a MW3 macro yet, but it will follow soon.
  8. Vulkan Version is fully supported, also for the automated weapon recognition etc.
  9. Hi, i was searching for a mw3/warzone 3 macro. Is it supported, cause i dotn find it on the page.
  10. Hello, Hypex working on vulkan version of r6s?
  11. Our R6S Script has been undetected for the past 3 years. It should stay like this.
  12. I want to use this script on my main, when was the last detection? is there a high chance of a ban? Does it write or read memory from the game? What features were detected if it got hit?
  13. Its only a recoil and rapidfire script with automated weapon detection.
  14. That orders seems to be very old. Message us on Discord: https://hypex.to/forum/discord/invite/general/
  15. https://hypex.to/forum/panel/instructions/
  16. Hi, I'd like to know more about how it works. Can I use in different resolutions? I used to play with extended screen, 1440 or 1728? and about the sense? general and vertical sense? is it possible show a video? uploaded in a different plataform ? thx!!!
  17. pubg script 25EU is lifetime?
  18. 25 € Is the product on a 90-day fixed-term basis? In the my purchase history Order #3228 PUBG MOD Lifetime Quantity: 1 Unit Price: 75.00 EUR It's expired, so why?
  19. Ok and how can I find this video ?
  20. Active Subscription is required after the third month. We have a Installer & a Video on how to set it up. Overall its very easy to do.
  21. OK thanks Did I need an active subscription to use the script ? is there any tutorials to install it ?
  22. Hey, yes our Apex Script (Recoil/RapidFire) does work on Windows 10 and 11. We never tested it on cloud gaming.
  23. Hello, does apex's cheat works on, windows 11 and on, geforce now ?
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